
Hugh Jackson is editor of the Nevada Current.
Nevada Current is part of States Newsroom, the nation’s largest state-focused nonprofit news organization.
Daily Current: NV GOP dismayed, but not *that* dismayed
By: Hugh Jackson - June 19, 2018
The buck stops…where? Leading the Current this morning, Nevada Republicans are dismayed about the U.S. separating migrant children from their parents and putting the children in prison camps, but not dismayed enough to acknowledge that their president and his administration started it, and could stop it any time. Former U.S. Attorneys to Sessions: Stop it. […]
Daily Current: Trump in Las Vegas, Laura Bush in the Post
By: Hugh Jackson - June 18, 2018
Trump raises money for Heller in Las Vegas Saturday. You can be in the same photograph with Trump for a mere $15,000, and for $50,000 you can sit with him. At the same table. While he’s eating. So get those tickets now! Trump will also speak to the Nevada Republican Convention (that will only cost […]
The downside of pushing economic development
By: Hugh Jackson - June 17, 2018
“Average hourly earnings have increased by nearly 20% since January 2007,” reads one of the charts presented to state economic forecasters by the Las Vegas Global Economic Alliance (LVGEA) earlier this month. “Tesla Update! Going Strong!” added a graphic presented by the Reno-based Economic Development Authority of Western Nevada (EDAWN). Like LVGEA, EDAWN is part […]
Daily Current: Laxalt says he didn’t say what he said
By: Hugh Jackson - June 15, 2018
Just like the liberal media… Who does the media think they are? Reporting the exact words that came out of Adam Laxalt’s mouth? On camera? So unfair. AP Leading the Current. Clark County public schools have to make budget cuts. Charter schools in Clark County don’t. April Corbin explains how charter schools are public schools […]
Daily Current: Dennis Hof is The Most Interesting Man in the World
By: Hugh Jackson - June 14, 2018
The Most Interesting Man in the World. Click, God of Media, has proclaimed that every news organization on planet earth must publish a story on the Trump of Pahrump (alas, the Current remains heretically noncommittal). Nevada Republicans, by contrast, are pretending to be ashamed and are shunning Dennis Hof. Adam Laxalt, Dean Heller, Wes Duncan […]
Laxalt runs ad that has nothing to do with your life
By: Hugh Jackson - June 13, 2018
The morning after both men won their respective gubernatorial primaries, Republican Adam Laxalt’s campaign rushed out an ad going straight for a multi-million dollar judgment Democratic opponent Steve Sisolak won at taxpayers’ expense a dozen years ago (via @SteveSebelius): A few things: First, Sisolak’s case centered in large part on whether there had been a […]
Daily Current: Progressives. Not so much.
By: Hugh Jackson - June 13, 2018
On the bright side (where the Current is always looking)… There will be plenty of time for navel-gazing and post-mortems on the crushing defeat suffered by Nevada progressives Tuesday. (Perhaps the editor of the Current will write a column about it.) But as, ahem, someone Tweeted late Tuesday night, let’s remember that four years ago […]
Sisolak pivots to Laxalt
By: Michael Lyle and Hugh Jackson - June 13, 2018
Steve Sisolak campaigned saying he was the only Democrat who could beat Republican Adam Laxalt in the race for governor. Now he’ll get his chance. Sisolak defeated fellow Clark County Commissioner Chris Giunchigliani in Tuesday’s Democratic gubernatorial primary. With still some votes to be counted, Sisolak had an impressive 12-point lead over “Chris G.” The […]
Daily Current: After these campaigns we’re all going to need rehab
By: Hugh Jackson - June 12, 2018
The general election starts tomorrow. Steven Horsford is expected to win his Democratic primary for U.S. House. But there are a lot of candidates in that race, which means stuff can happen, and if there’s a race that keeps people up late, don’t be shocked if it’s CD4. (There, I’ve just assured that AP will […]
Why Reid is wrong about Giunchigliani
By: Hugh Jackson - June 11, 2018
Harry Reid, according to the New York Times, told EMILY’s List President Stephanie Schriock that if Chris Giunchigliani is the Democratic nominee for governor, the casino industry would rush to support Republican Adam Laxalt, and also work to defeat Democratic legislators. If there is one thing Nevada can always rely on when it comes to […]
Daily Current: Harry being Harry, Hillary & Chris G., Sharron Angle… must be primary eve
By: Hugh Jackson - June 11, 2018
Harry. Sigh. The New York Times starts a piece on women running for governor with a vignette about Harry Reid being Harry Reid, i.e., telling Chris G. not to run because Steve Sisolak is a good little garden-variety centrist Democrat circa 1992 so the all-powerful beloved resort industry will like him but not her. Yes, […]
Trump, Trumpism and the Nevada primary
By: Hugh Jackson - June 10, 2018
Early voting ended Friday and Election Day is Tuesday. But the most momentous day of Nevada’s 2018 primary campaign came and went in March, when Trump ordered one of his gushing sycophants to step aside and make way for another. Could Danny Tarkanian have beaten Dean Heller? Had Trump stayed out of it, absolutely. […]