
Hugh Jackson is editor of the Nevada Current.
Nevada Current is part of States Newsroom, the nation’s largest state-focused nonprofit news organization.
Daily Current: Oh look the Supreme Court is horrifying
By: Hugh Jackson - June 28, 2018
Now, Kennedy? Really? This about sums it up. “What is Justice Anthony Kennedy’s legacy? It might very well amount to dust. And it seems he’s fine with that.” Union no. On the bright side (where I’m always looking), Kennedy was already in the can for lo the many forces hell-bent on making life harder for […]
Daily Current: Area time warp may explain much
By: Hugh Jackson - June 27, 2018
Schlepping Day. I, your beloved author of your beloved Daily Current, will be traveling today and for the rest of the week so the Daily Current may not present the full measure of comprehensive analysis and indispensable insight to which you have become accustomed. Deal. A star is born. In these, our troubled times, happy, […]
Joe Heck killed a zebra, on purpose
By: Hugh Jackson - June 26, 2018
Over the last several months, more than once it may have crossed your mind that if there’s one person who may be happy he lost an election, it’s former Nevada Republican congressman Joe Heck. Heck, you may remember, lost the U.S. Senate race to Catherine Cortez Masto in 2016. A month before the election, and […]
Daily Current: The short American century
By: Hugh Jackson - June 26, 2018
Still, it was a good run while it lasted. Four legitimately appointed and confirmed Supreme Court justices plus Neil Gorsuch equals five, and that’s more than the four dissenters, so Trump’s travel ban is upheld. When combined with zero tolerance, trade wars, alienating our best and most trusted allies, dismantling post-WWII international institutions, and general […]
Attorney General Sessions, in the Peppermill, with the false choice
By: Hugh Jackson - June 25, 2018
“What is the compassionate and right thing to do?” asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions in Reno Monday, according to the text of his prepared remarks delivered to the National Association of School Resource Officers. “The compassionate thing to do is to protect our children from drugs and violence, put criminals in jail, and secure our […]
Daily Current: So, was it good for you?
By: Hugh Jackson - June 25, 2018
Shaky. Cookie. So what do you call someone who returned your campaign contributions, refused to endorse your candidacy, stood shoulder-to-shoulder with his state’s governor to blast your health care policy, sat and giggled, excruciatingly, while you humiliated him (and, by extension, his state), and who then spent an entire year doing everything he could to […]
WaPo: Sandoval, Heller & “gamesmanship” bring federal aid to already booming county
By: Hugh Jackson - June 22, 2018
Storey County, home of Tesla’s battery factory, won a lucrative federal designation as an “Opportunity Zone” – at the expense of other Nevada towns – as a result of lobbying by Gov. Brian Sandoval, Sen. Dean Heller, and Nevada brothel owner Lance Gilman, the Washington Post reports. The story reports that businessmen in Dayton are […]
Daily Current: Heller made his bet
By: Hugh Jackson - June 22, 2018
Dizzy Dean. This week Dean Heller scrambled to distance himself from Trump’s border omnishambles. If, as seems likely, Heller is belittled and demeaned in his own state by Trump this weekend, Ron Brownstein states an obvious point Heller may (or may not) want to consider: “…by any reasonable standard, Capitol Hill Republicans marched themselves in […]
Clean energy groups outline agenda for Nevada
By: Hugh Jackson - June 21, 2018
A clean energy industry association and a group closely aligned with former Sen. Harry Reid have a few energy ideas for Nevada’s next governor, whoever it is. A “Clean Energy Roadmap” released Thursday by Advanced Energy Economy (AEE) and the Clean Energy Project (CEP) lists a half-dozen proposals designed “to harness the economic power of […]
Daily Current: Las Vegas braces for visit from angry person
By: Hugh Jackson - June 21, 2018
“Trump ends separations” declares the headline atop the Las Vegas newspaper this morning. Of course, families are still separated. And Trump & Co. has no clear plan for bringing them back together. “It is a crisis Donald Trump created and always had the power to solve.” That’s Molly Ball’s lede on her story in Time […]
Cortez Masto: Trump started it, and executive order doesn’t fix it
By: Hugh Jackson - June 20, 2018
President Donald Trump “caved” – as the New York Times put it – to pressure and signed an executive order to end policy that was separating families at the border, but Nevada Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto is not impressed. Trump’s order “still enforces his cruel immigration policy that prosecutes parents fleeing violence to protect their […]
Daily Current: Heller tells Sessions to stop it
By: Hugh Jackson - June 20, 2018
Better late than later. “We therefore ask you to halt implementation of the Department’s zero tolerance policy,” wrote a dozen Republican senators Tuesday, including Nevada’s Dean Heller, in a letter to Attorney General Jefferson B. Sessions. A cynic might see a purely political calculation from the most vulnerable Republican senator on the 2018 ballot to […]