
Hugh Jackson is editor of the Nevada Current.
Nevada Current is part of States Newsroom, the nation’s largest state-focused nonprofit news organization.
Titus calls on Laxalt to oppose Trump 3D guns policy
By: Hugh Jackson - July 30, 2018
Several states are suing to stop the Trump administration’s decision to allow a company to publish downloadable blueprints for 3D guns. Nevada is not one of them. Hoping that will change, Rep. Dina Titus, D-Las Vegas, fired off a letter to Republican gubernatorial candidate and Attorney General Adam Laxalt Monday calling on him get on […]
Stiffer SNAP/Medicaid work requirements counterproductive, report says
By: Hugh Jackson - July 27, 2018
Making people work more to get food stamps and health care is punitive and does more harm than good, according to a research paper published this week by the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) and the Center for American Progress (CAP). The Trump administration has been aggressively encouraging states to stiffen work requirements for recipients of […]
Groups protest Wells Fargo for financing immigrant detention industry
By: Hugh Jackson - July 25, 2018
Social activists Make the Road Nevada and other groups protested a Wells Fargo branch office in Las Vegas Wednesday to highlight the banking giant’s financing of private companies that operate immigration detention centers. The protests are part of a national effort to bring attention to Wells Fargo and J.P. Morgan, chief creditors of GEO Group […]
Nevada urban employment grows while rural workforce declines
By: Hugh Jackson - July 24, 2018
Nevada job growth in the last year has been concentrated overwhelmingly in urban areas, according to the state Department of Employment Training and Rehabilitation (DETR). Employment grew by 2.8 percent statewide from June 2017 to June 2018, or 37,600 new jobs, DETR noted in a release Tuesday. Employment in the Las Vegas metro area increased […]
Retail: Still not dead yet
By: Hugh Jackson - July 23, 2018
The number of electronic and mail order retail establishments – your exclusively online shopping stops — tripled between 2001 and 2017, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Only tripled? Over the same period, in most retail sectors, the number of establishments declined, in keeping with the conventional brick & mortar doom & gloom […]
Rosen on ICE
By: Hugh Jackson - July 21, 2018
“Open borders,” “violent and ruthless members of the MS-13 gang,” “countless illegal aliens,” “dangerous criminal aliens,” “drugs flowing into our communities,” “devastation,” and, of course, “law and order” — the resolution approved by the U.S. House of Representatives Wednesday was full of so many racist dog whistles that it could have been tweeted by the […]
Housing a “hot topic” everywhere – except the Nevada campaign trail
By: Hugh Jackson - July 20, 2018
Perhaps the most tangible affordable housing proposal in Nevada right now involves transferable tax credits for housing developers. The developers sell the credits to purchasers who might pay 80 or 90 cents on the dollar. The buyers can then pay the state taxes with credits, instead of money. The credits proposal surfaced during a Nevada […]
Guinn Center report on Energy Choice Initiative: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
By: Hugh Jackson - July 19, 2018
“We cannot make a conclusive determination as to whether restructuring, all else equal, contributes to rate increases or rate decreases.” That’s the main takeaway from a Guinn Center report released Thursday on the impact of Question 3, also called the Energy Choice Initiative, if passed by voters in November. The nonprofit, bipartisan Nevada think tank’s […]
Report: Nevada ranks 4th in income inequality
By: Hugh Jackson - July 19, 2018
Nevada is the fourth most unequal state in the nation when it comes to income distribution, according to a new report. Income for the wealthiest 1 percent of Nevadans in 2015 was 32.7 times that of the bottom 99 percent, according to “The New Gilded Age,” released Thursday by the Economic Policy Institute. The report […]
Nevada Republicans in the upside down
By: Hugh Jackson - July 19, 2018
Since at least the start of the Cold War, Republicans have insisted that they’re the tough ones. Unlike “bleeding heart liberals,” Republicans are the Daddy Party, the hard-boiled realists who see the world for the dangerous place it really is. To protect your freedoms, vote Republican, because Democrats are weaklings and Republicans love America more. […]
Heller “pleased” with Trump’s “sincere” would/wouldn’t clarification
By: Hugh Jackson - July 18, 2018
In Helsinki during his joint press appearance with Russian President Vladimir Putin, President Donald Trump once again doubted the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that Russia interfered in the 2016 U.S. election. “I don’t see any reason why it would be” Russia, Trump said. Tuesday, under fire from even those in his own party for siding […]
Senate Democrats introduce bill to unite immigrant families
By: Hugh Jackson - July 17, 2018
Nevada Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto has joined with Democratic colleagues Kamala Harris of California and Jeff Merkley of Oregon as lead sponsors of legislation “to reunite families at or near ports of entry.” The bill “would require the Trump administration to immediately reunite separated children with their parents, ensure that separated children have access to […]