
Daily Current: After these campaigns we’re all going to need rehab

By: - June 12, 2018 8:04 am

The general election starts tomorrow. Steven Horsford is expected to win his Democratic primary for U.S. House. But there are a lot of candidates in that race, which means stuff can happen, and if there’s a race that keeps people up late, don’t be shocked if it’s CD4. (There, I’ve just assured that AP will call it at 7.) Of course the real late-nighter might be the Democratic primary for governor. Or maybe the Clark County DA race. Eh, it might even be the Clark County Commission race pitting Tick Segerblom against Sheldon Adelson and the National Football League. Ha ha we all know the race where results will drag on the longest will be something way down the ballot. IN ANY CASE, our staff will be reporting from key candidate HQs while the editor constantly clicks refresh on state & county election results and herds all the coverage onto the internets, all editor-like. Also, too, (as Gov. Palin used to say), the editor might blog, time permitting.

“They tried to make me go to rehab…” And rehab intake staff working on commission said “Yes! Yes! Yeeessss!” Leading the Current this morning, the first story in a two-part look at some disturbing practices in the fast-growing addiction treatment industry.

Democrats? In a midterm? In Nevada!?! “One measure of the enthusiasm among Nevada Democrats this year: In-person early voting among registered Democrats for Tuesday’s primary was 11% higher than for registered Republicans as of June 7, according to the Nevada secretary of state’s office. That’s in contrast to the last midterm election in 2014, when the state Republican early turnout was 43% higher than for Democrats.” Yes, the Reid Machine forgot there was an election in 2014 and didn’t run any candidates, so the comparison is apples to Telecasters. But still! The WSJ story also ends with a nice testament to Chris G as a force for getting out the vote.

Good news/bad news for the area TV industry! First the good news for area TV stations – both Chris G. & Sisolak spent pertnear every dollar their campaigns had during the primary (R-J). The bad news for area TV stations? Psyche! There is no bad news. Even if the Democratic nominee for governor starts out broke, the Adelson-backed PACs alone should keep Nevada’s out-of-state-owned TV stations rolling in dough.

Maine, North Dakota, South Carolina and Virginia. Those are the other states having primary elections today, in case you were wondering.

Yes man bites dog whatever… “A brothel owner is running for office in Nevada as a Republican,” reads the headline on this AP story. Fair enough, it’s not something you see every election cycle. That said, there’s a case to be made that all the stories about Dennis Hof’s quest for a Nevada Assembly seat have overlooked a key point: Just because a guy owns a brothel, that doesn’t make him interesting.

Good luck

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Hugh Jackson
Hugh Jackson

Hugh Jackson is editor of the Nevada Current.

Nevada Current is part of States Newsroom, the nation’s largest state-focused nonprofit news organization.