
Daily Current: Progressives. Not so much.

By: - June 13, 2018 7:46 am

On the bright side (where the Current is always looking)… There will be plenty of time for navel-gazing and post-mortems on the crushing defeat suffered by Nevada progressives Tuesday. (Perhaps the editor of the Current will write a column about it.) But as, ahem, someone Tweeted late Tuesday night, let’s remember that four years ago the Supercalifragilistic Reid Machine couldn’t even be bothered to come up with a Democrat to run for governor, so whatever else this is, it’s better than that.

Coverage by Current: Sisolak sets sights on Laxalt, as Chris G.’s supporters remained surprisingly upbeat; Langford and his supporters remain firm (fyi so does the Current) in the push for reforming a justice system that uses poor people as its revenue model;  Horsford’s second chance.

Rehab & the revolving door. Also in the Current, the second of two stories on the fast-growing addiction treatment industry and how it needs a rethink.

Again with the bright side. Tick Segerblom’s primary for the county commission seat being vacated by Chris Giunchigliani was much, much closer than it ever should have been. But in the end, neither heavy spending against him by Adelson-funded PACS nor the full might of an organized labor subsidiary of the National Football League could deprive Southern Nevada’s happy warrior from a commission seat that he will assuredly secure in November. And then of course it will be high times at the commission.

Who would have thought a reality TV star could win an election? Surely it’s only a matter of time before Trump finds a sensitive post, something in national security, perhaps, for future Nevada assemblyman, celebrity pimp and Trump of Pahrump Dennis Hof.

Good luck

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Hugh Jackson
Hugh Jackson

Hugh Jackson is editor of the Nevada Current.

Nevada Current is part of States Newsroom, the nation’s largest state-focused nonprofit news organization.