
Daily Current: The short American century

By: - June 26, 2018 8:22 am

Still, it was a good run while it lasted. Four legitimately appointed and confirmed Supreme Court justices plus Neil Gorsuch equals five, and that’s more than the four dissenters, so Trump’s travel ban is upheld. When combined with zero tolerance, trade wars, alienating our best and most trusted allies, dismantling post-WWII international institutions, and general retrenchment from everyone else on the planet save tin-pot tyrants, the United States can now rightly claim its place as the most frightened and withdrawn dominant empire in world history. Also the most short-lived.

What’s the point of education anyway? Maybe instill a respect for facts and evidence and critical analysis so as to navigate a world that increasingly seems to hold such things in contempt? Ha just kidding. The point of education is to train people to work for flavor-of-the-month companies that of course are delighted to let the public pay to train their employees instead of paying for it themselves. April Corbin leads the Current this morning with a fun read on today’s business-first education environment. And yes, Nevada is soaking in it.

Sessions announces $2 million grant for NV. That’s one angle from the attorney general’s appearance in Reno Monday, as reported in the wire story picked up by most Nevada news orgs. Then there’s the angle, reported in the Reno paper, wherein Sessions defends his and Trump’s immigration policies by telling scary stories about child drug smugglers. The Reno paper also helpfully explains why police didn’t arrest protesters or their mariachi band, in case anyone was wondering (someone probably was). And then there’s the angle that unpacks the pernicious false choice immigration narrative so lovingly pushed by Sessions and Trump. You can read that in the Undercurrent. And you should.

Trump get those families back together yet? “If they know where the children are they’re sure as hell not trying to make an opportunity for them to have contact with their parents,” an exasperated Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto told the Indy at the border Monday. “We’re going to franchise out building tent cities … the government’s going to pay for that, and somebody’s going to make money off that,” added Rep. Jacky Rosen, from the other side of Texas. Of course this means that Rosen’s opponent, Dean Heller, will accuse Rosen of a) being anti-business and b) campaigning in Texas instead of Tonopah. He loves to say stuff like that.

Zoned out. Here is a happy news story in Nevada’s largest newspaper about the wonders of federal tax break havens called Opportunity Zones – a story which includes zero mention of last week’s Washington Post story on Sandoval & Heller lobbying the Trump administration to game the system in a sketchy move to make Storey County, home of Tesla’s factory and a Switch data center, an Opportunity Zone. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Good luck

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Hugh Jackson
Hugh Jackson

Hugh Jackson is editor of the Nevada Current.

Nevada Current is part of States Newsroom, the nation’s largest state-focused nonprofit news organization.