
Joe Heck killed a zebra, on purpose

By: - June 26, 2018 12:14 pm

Over the last several months, more than once it may have crossed your mind that if there’s one person who may be happy he lost an election, it’s former Nevada Republican congressman Joe Heck.

Heck, you may remember, lost the U.S. Senate race to Catherine Cortez Masto in 2016. A month before the election, and days after video was released of Donald Trump infamously boasting that as a celebrity he could “grab ’em by the pussy,” Heck stood up in front of a crowd in Summerlin, rescinded his support for Trump and called on Trump to withdraw from the presidential race.

There are those who say Heck’s renunciation of Trump cost him the election, and it is true that Heck received less votes than Trump in Nevada. But it should be remembered not only did Hillary Clinton get more votes than Trump in Nevada; so did Cortez Masto.

In any case, now, enjoying a perhaps less stressful position as a lobbyist for Southern Nevada public affairs and campaign shop Red Rock Strategies, Heck has been spared the humiliation of setting principles aside and embracing Trump for political expedience – a humiliation suffered by so many of his Republican colleagues, and none more than Heck’s fellow Nevadan, Sen. Dean Heller.

In fact, while Heller was literally hugging Trump on the tarmac at the Las Vegas airport over the weekend, Heck was enjoying a relaxing vacation in South Africa, where he killed a zebra, on purpose.

Someone who follows Heck’s private Instagram account provided the following:

joe heck killed a zebra on purpose

As the text indicates, the former congressman’s bold safari is off to an outstanding start. In addition to killing a zebra, on purpose, he also, by the time of this Instagram posting, also killed a wildebeest.

Last week, Heck posted on his Facebook page that he and his son had arrived at Huntershills Safaris, a game farm on the east cape of South Africa. A. Game. Farm. Unfortunately, the FB post did not indicate which of the many Huntershills packages Heck purchased, but perhaps it was the “7 Day Beast Slam.”

Anyway, to recap, Joe Heck killed a zebra, on purpose, as if he were, oh, a common Trump.


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Hugh Jackson
Hugh Jackson

Hugh Jackson is editor of the Nevada Current.

Nevada Current is part of States Newsroom, the nation’s largest state-focused nonprofit news organization.