

Why Reid is wrong about Giunchigliani

BY: - June 11, 2018

Harry Reid, according to the New York Times, told EMILY’s List President Stephanie Schriock that if Chris Giunchigliani is the Democratic nominee for governor, the casino industry would rush to support Republican Adam Laxalt, and also work to defeat Democratic legislators. If there is one thing Nevada can always rely on when it comes to […]

Daily Current: Harry being Harry, Hillary & Chris G., Sharron Angle… must be primary eve

BY: - June 11, 2018

Harry. Sigh. The New York Times starts a piece on women running for governor with a vignette about Harry Reid being Harry Reid, i.e., telling Chris G. not to run because Steve Sisolak is a good little garden-variety centrist Democrat circa 1992 so the all-powerful beloved resort industry will like him but not her. Yes, […]

A space for trans queer Latinx

BY: - June 10, 2018

Attendees drift through the door of the Make the Road Nevada office on Bonanza Road and start personalizing their space. A Mexican themed pride flag is on the wall, the iconic eagle eating a rattlesnake perched on top a prickly pear cactus, a spectrum of color on either side. It’s pinned between a painted tapestry […]


Daily Current: Of course, it wasn’t really about hockey

BY: - June 8, 2018

Dang. Then again, DANG! I didn’t move here until seven years after the Rebels won the national championship in 1990, so I can’t compare that to the spirit and enthusiasm and sense of community (not something typically associated with Las Vegas) that has marked the season of the Golden Knights. Would the Knights experience, taken […]

D.A. Wolfson embraces wrongfully convicted. Just not all of them.

BY: - June 7, 2018

A television campaign ad for District Attorney Steve Wolfson asserts that Wolfson’s “conviction integrity unit freed” a wrongfully convicted man.  DeMarlo Berry, who served 22 years for a murder he did not commit, is the first and only person to be exonerated via Wolfson’s Conviction Integrity Unit, created in 2016. “My goal in creating the […]


Daily Current: Nevada’s offering to the Bezos god; Trump’s innovative affordable housing plan

BY: - June 7, 2018

Trump administration’s innovative affordable housing strategy. The Housing and Urban Development (HUD) plan would raise rent on low-income people in Las Vegas by 20.7 percent, or $820 a year, and 46 percent of those affected would be children, according to a new analysis from the Center for Budget Policies and Priorities released to the AP. […]

Discrimination victims win at Dotty’s

BY: - June 6, 2018

The company that owns Dotty’s, the ubiquitous strip mall slot parlors, will pay a $3.5 million to victims of discrimination to settle a lawsuit filed by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the EEOC said in a statement Wednesday. “Since at least 2012, Nevada Restaurant Services violated federal law by maintaining a well-established companywide practice […]


Daily Current: To protect and pimp; Bed bugs, ugh!; California is evil (yawn); guns aren’t

BY: - June 6, 2018

This is normal. Judges, and cops, and pimps, and the FBI has been investigating Metro because cops and pimps, and there’s a whole back story of seedy tawdry sketchy behavior & characters, and seriously, WTF?!? (Aside: With the exception of George Knapp & KLAS, this whole bizarro world/underworld has been all but ignored by area […]


Information is currency. Lots of currency.

BY: - June 6, 2018

Like many of you, the Nevada Current was curious about what caused former UNLV President Len Jessup to up and leave.  Since we couldn’t get any satisfactory answers, we filed an information request for emails and other correspondence among Nevada Chancellor Thom Reilly and state regents. The estimated price tag for the information we sought: […]


Daily Current, June 5

BY: - June 5, 2018

Welcome to the very first ever in the history of your whole life Daily Current! You’ll likely want to record this day, for posterity. In the future, the Daily Current will look far and wide, scouring the cyberwasteland, as it were, for Nevada and Nevada-related stories to share with you and render astute color commentary […]

State lawmaker: Metro misapplying law by refusing to supply information

BY: - June 5, 2018

An effort by the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department to deny information to journalists is a misapplication of the law, according to one state lawmaker. LVMPD recently stopped providing information to Nevada Current, citing a 2017 amendment to state law requiring that reporters be affiliated with “a newspaper, press association or commercially operated, federally licensed […]

Supreme Court ruling on gay couple’s wedding cake delights Laxalt

BY: - June 5, 2018

Attorney General and governor candidate Adam Laxalt applauded a U.S. Supreme Court ruling involving a baker’s refusal to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple. “Today the Supreme Court reinforced that the Constitution is not a zero-sum game, and that we can respect diversity and protect against unlawful discrimination while also respecting and protecting […]