
Daily Current, June 5

By: - June 5, 2018 9:03 am

Welcome to the very first ever in the history of your whole life Daily Current! You’ll likely want to record this day, for posterity. In the future, the Daily Current will look far and wide, scouring the cyberwasteland, as it were, for Nevada and Nevada-related stories to share with you and render astute color commentary thereon. But this, your inaugural Daily Current, will focus on the reporting published in the brand spanking new Nevada Current. Because there’s a lot of it.

What’s up Democrats? Last night’s Golden Knights score and the series status notwithstanding, Las Vegas has shown that it’s a big league sports town of inimitable heart, soul and style. Who knows? Maybe Democrats will even pick NFL spokesman Steve Sisolak as their nominee for governor. But the Clark County District Attorney’s race might be the primary contest that best reflects a Democratic Party that is, clearly, in transition.

Conflict? What conflict? Attorney General Adam Laxalt’s chief investigator pursues case against daughter’s former pimp. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The Greyhound solution. Local officials are pretty proud of a courtyard built for homeless people in the Orwellian-branded “Corridor of Hope.” The project doesn’t even rely on any private sector money! Though that seems odd because businesses complain about homeless people a lot and if society has learned nothing else over the last 20 or 30 years it is that there is no problem that can’t be fixed by the magical power of public-private partnerships. But! A courtyard! And what direct services might some of the most unfortunate among us receive at said friendly courtyard? Bus tickets, mostly.

No dice for ICE? You may want to sit down. Are you sitting down? OK. It turns out that the resort industry does not provide workers fair salaries, good benefits and job protections out of the sheer goodness of shareholder hearts. Nice things must be fought for and negotiated, workers leveraging the power of collective bargaining, as is going on ‘round here right now. Among the Culinary’s concerns: Security for people working under Temporary Protective Status (TPS), and no Immigration, Customs & Enforcement (ICE) officers on resort properties without a warrant.

System failure. Let’s see. Already struggling to make ends meet, a nursing mother of a sick child gets arrested and jailed for late payment of parking ticket fines & fees. Just as the founders intended.

Dear, dear Metro. Could you please refrain from lumping Nevada Current in with conspiracy theorists, crackpots and carnival barkers, no matter how many of them work for media organizations that fit the severely narrow definition of media to which you so bitterly cling? Thanks!

Good luck!

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Hugh Jackson
Hugh Jackson

Hugh Jackson is editor of the Nevada Current.

Nevada Current is part of States Newsroom, the nation’s largest state-focused nonprofit news organization.