
Pamela Mahoney Tsigdinos

Pamela Mahoney Tsigdinos

Pamela Mahoney Tsigdinos lives in Washoe County and volunteers with Tahoe grassroots groups working to protect Lake Tahoe.


Tahoe planning group exerts outsized influence on legislative oversight committee

By: - April 29, 2024

Overtourism, conflicts of interest, developer-initiated blight, vast pollution combined with microplastic contamination, and the lack of a comprehensive Tahoe basin evacuation plan are just some of the public safety and environmental problems raised by Tahoe residents during public comment at this year’s first two interim Nevada legislative oversight committee hearings. Unfortunately, members of the Legislative […]


What’s Changed in Tahoe Since 2012? Far more than TRPA admits

By: - December 11, 2023

Think about the past dozen years of your life.  How much has changed? A few things, perhaps? It’s hard to argue the world isn’t markedly different.  Let’s look closer to home. The size of Reno’s metro population, for instance, in 2012 was 415,000 people. Today, it’s 531,000 and counting. The number of building permits issued […]