

RTC competes for Strip passengers as residents lack bus service

BY: - July 25, 2019

The public agency that keeps the buses running is at a crossroads.   With its bread-and-butter Las Vegas Strip route no longer turning a profit and unable to subsidize other routes, the RTC is turning to other ways to make money.   Trip to Strip, a pilot program featuring on-demand shuttles, is designed to compete with taxis […]


LV City Council asks state to limit HOV enforcement to peak travel times

BY: - July 17, 2019

Drivers on Interstate 15 and U.S. 95 in Las Vegas are baffled by the state’s designation of a previous express lane as a High-Occupancy Vehicle lane, reserved for vehicles with more than one occupant, motorcycles, trucks and buses.   Drivers complain the designation, part of the final implementation of a massive freeway overhaul known as Project […]

car accident

Fatal accidents involving multiple substances up in Nevada

BY: - July 8, 2019

The number of marijuana-related traffic fatalities in Nevada dropped last year, the first full year of legal recreational sales in the state. Alcohol-related traffic deaths were also down. But fatal accidents involving a mixture of substances increased. A report released Monday from the Department of Public Safety says statewide fatalities involving cannabis decreased from 36 […]


Cyber crimes on my electric car? More likely than you think, study says

BY: - June 11, 2019

Electric vehicle (EV) drivers could become targets for cyber criminals if new proposals that mandate the installation of credit card readers at EV charging stations are approved, according to a new security study published Tuesday. The study – authored by cybersecurity experts April Wright and Jayson Street in partnership with the Digital Citizens Alliance – […]

So 20th century

Federal bill would fund electric school buses

BY: - June 6, 2019

New federal legislation would support the electrification of school buses in low-income communities. The Clean School Bus Act would assist school districts around the country in replacing traditional diesel school buses with new, electric buses in order to mitigate students’ and drivers’ exposure to harmful pollutants and help address the climate crisis. U.S. Senator Kamala […]

ride share

RTC dips into the ride share market

BY: - June 3, 2019

The Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada (RTC) is investing in rideshare services after companies like Uber and Lyft have dramatically cut into public transit revenue. The service had a soft launch in late May, leading to its official launch date Monday, and promises “no surge pricing” which charges an extra cost during periods of […]