
Dana Gentry

Dana Gentry

Dana Gentry is a native Las Vegan and award-winning investigative journalist. She is a graduate of Bishop Gorman High School and holds a Bachelor's degree in Communications from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

Nevada Current is part of States Newsroom, the nation’s largest state-focused nonprofit news organization.

Insurance tax helps state revenue exceed projections

By: - April 30, 2024

Nevada’s general fund revenue is  5% higher so far in fiscal year 2024 than  earlier forecasts from the state’s Economic Forum, Legislative fiscal analyst Michael Nakamoto told legislators Monday.  Nakamoto told the Joint Standing Committee on Revenue the state’s general fund, projected year-to-date at $3.7 billion, is up approximately $64.1 million from two months ago, […]

House candidate seeks to be first trans member of Nevada delegation 

By: - April 25, 2024

When RockAthena Brittain, a transgender woman, spoke during public comment last week before the Nevada Board of Regents in protest of Regent Patrick Boylan’s public assertion that transgender athletes are ‘masquerading’ as women, Boylan pulled out his phone and snapped a photo of Brittain at the podium.  “He didn’t do that with anyone else,” Brittain […]

Gaming Control Board joins probe of money laundering in Nevada casinos 

By: - April 22, 2024

The Nevada Gaming Control Board, which has remained awkwardly silent on the investigation of Las Vegas casinos and the prosecution of casino executive Scott Sibella by federal officials out of California, has joined the ongoing probe, according to two sources who say they’ve received calls from investigators.  The federal investigation, first reported by the Current […]

Abortion rights petition okayed by Nevada Supreme Court 

By: - April 18, 2024

An initiative petition circulated by Nevadans for Reproductive Freedom, an organization working to enshrine abortion rights in the Nevada Constitution, can proceed, thanks to the Nevada Supreme Court’s affirmation Thursday of the petition’s language, which focuses on reproductive rights, including contraception, vasectomies, tubal ligation, and infertility treatment.   Donna Washington and the Coalition for Parents and […]

Silver appointed to Gaming Commission 

By: - April 18, 2024

Gov. Joe Lombardo announced Thursday he’s appointing retired Nevada Supreme Court Justice Abbi Silver to the Nevada Gaming Commission. Silver will replace Commissioner Ogonna Brown, whose term ends next week.  “Justice Silver is one of Nevada’s brightest visionaries and trailblazers, and I’m confident that she will greatly enhance the work of the commission in her […]

Two seats on Henderson Justice Court in play for primary election

By: - April 18, 2024

An open seat on the Henderson Justice Court has attracted half a dozen attorneys, including several who previously ran for the position, while in another department, a candidate appointed to the bench late last year faces a lone challenger.  Six candidates are vying to fill the vacancy in Henderson Justice Court Dept. 1, resulting from […]

Hope for Prisoners’ founder Ponder dismissed from lawsuit against non-profit

By: - April 16, 2024

The former chief operating officer of Hope for Prisoners, a non-profit reentry program for former inmates, can proceed with his wrongful termination suit against the organization but not against its founder and chief executive officer, Jon Ponder.  The Current reported Monday that the organization’s former COO Grant McCandless was terminated in 2020, after an internal […]

USDA suspends UNR’s slaughterhouse operations again for inhumane treatment 

By: - April 16, 2024

For the fifth time in as many years, the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture has suspended operations at Wolf Pack Meats, the slaughterhouse operated by the University of Nevada Reno, after it took five shots from a bolt gun to render a ram unconscious on March 15. After the first firing of the captive bolt, the […]

Lombardo, Metro, DA mum on allegations against Hope for Prisoners founder 

By: - April 15, 2024

A former official of the nonprofit Hope for Prisoners is asking a Nevada court to force the group to release documents that could detail misconduct by the group’s high-profile founder. HFP’s former chief operating officer Grant McCandless is suing the nonprofit, a widely lauded re-entry program for individuals recently released from prison, for wrongful termination. […]

Shortage of healthcare providers on Lombardo’s radar 

By: - April 12, 2024

Gov. Joe Lombardo wants the state’s Patient Protection Commission to help find a cure for the state’s shortage of healthcare professionals.  In an executive order issued Friday, Lombardo notes the PPC was created to review the health care needs of Nevadans. “In order to achieve its objective, the PPC must now work to address current […]

Weed and A’s baseball stadium land before state’s high court 

By: - April 10, 2024

The Nevada Supreme Court heard arguments Tuesday on whether a referendum on public funding for the proposed A’s stadium in Las Vegas should be allowed on the November ballot, and whether the Board of Pharmacy’s listing of cannabis as a Schedule 1 substance is at odds with the Nevada Constitution.  Attorney Bradley Schrager, representing former […]

Regulatory capture has Nevada’s great outdoors in a bind, say enthusiasts

By: - April 9, 2024

Nevada’s wildlife commission and its mining commission don’t reflect the state’s diversity and are dominated by industry insiders who profit from the decisions they render, say critics who want them revamped and funded in a more democratic manner.  Patrick Donnelly, state director of the Center for Biological Diversity, characterized the regulatory scheme as “pay to […]