
Hugh Jackson

Hugh Jackson

Hugh Jackson is editor of the Nevada Current.

Nevada Current is part of States Newsroom, the nation’s largest state-focused nonprofit news organization.


Nevada Republican Party treats Trump like royalty, and treats Nevada Republican voters like serfs

By: - February 1, 2024

If not for the Nevada Republican Party, Nevada would be awash in attention from the nation’s largest news organizations.  Donald Trump would be holding another rally in Reno or Las Vegas.  Nikki Haley would be campaigning in Henderson, Elko, and Sparks.  And most importantly, Nevada Republican voters would have a choice. They could confirm Trump’s […]


And now Nevada will pretend the general election campaign didn’t already start

By: - January 25, 2024

And now all eyes turn to Nevada… Ha ha, just kidding. Yes, Nevada is technically the next state on the Republican nominating calendar. But the nation’s eyes are not on it. Probably because looking at what Republicans are up to in Nevada would just give the nation a headache.  As if it needs another one […]

Feds approve $2.5 billion in tax-exempt bonds for Las Vegas-to-California high-speed rail

By: - January 23, 2024

The U.S. Department of Transportation has authorized $2.5 billion in private activity bonds to help finance the Brightline high-speed rail project connecting Las Vegas and Southern California, the department announced Tuesday.  Bondholders don’t pay federal taxes on interest earned from private activity bonds, and so are willing to accept lower rates of return when they […]

Lombardo joins fellow GOP governors to oppose proposed auto emission standards

By: - January 22, 2024

Gov. Joe Lombardo and 15 other Republican governors called on Pres. Joe Biden Monday to “change course on your current mandate that two out of every three vehicles be battery electrics by 2032.” In their letter, the governors cite a December fact sheet from the White House. However, the White House document the letter cites […]


Nikki Haley: Second to none?

By: - January 21, 2024

Ten years ago, the Nevada State Democratic Party (Harry Reid, proprietor) decided not to run anybody against incumbent Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval. Reid had cooked up a byzantine Reid-protection scheme, the details of which I won’t bore you with, but the results of which were Republican control of both houses of the state legislature, Democratic […]

Declaring ‘the race is over,’ Lombardo endorses Trump

By: - January 18, 2024

Nevada Republican Gov. Joe Lombardo Thursday endorsed former President Donald Trump for the Republican presidential nomination. For “all practical purposes … the race is over,” Lombardo said while announcing his endorsement in an interview with the Nevada Independent. Lombardo in August indicated he might stay neutral in the nominating contest, saying during a press conference […]


Note to Republicans: Oil & gas production has never been higher than it’s been under Biden

By: - January 18, 2024

Click the “Issues” link on Republican U.S. Senate candidate Jim Marchant’s campaign website and the very first thing that pops up is “MAKE GAS CHEAP AGAIN!” Marchant promises to “stabilize fuel prices” by “encouraging exploration and production of our abundant natural resources.” Some of you may recall in 2022 when Marchant was hunting down the […]


Sam Brown and Republican Senate leadership reach out to an audience of one

By: - January 14, 2024

Nevada Republican U.S. Senate candidate Sam Brown did the inevitable and endorsed Donald Trump for president Friday. A couple days earlier Trump was endorsed by the third-ranking Republican in the U.S. Senate, Wyoming’s John Barrasso. The endorsements may have nothing to do with each other, and timing may be merely coincidental. Or it may not. […]


Don’t be confused: Trump deliberately CHOSE not to be on the Nevada primary ballot

By: - January 11, 2024

Next week, snow-bound Iowa Republicans will overwhelmingly caucus for Donald Trump. And next month, a significant number of Nevada Republicans will have a cow – and falsely blame Democrats – because Trump’s name isn’t on the state primary ballot. Most people who follow Nevada politics at least a little already know this, but to reiterate:  […]


Nevada is one of only a few battleground states. Nevada Democrats need to act like it.

By: - January 7, 2024

You may have heard about the recent Washington Post poll estimating that a quarter of the people in the U.S., and a third of Republicans, think the FBI organized and instigated the attack on the Capitol three years ago. On the bright side, three-fourths of Americans, and even two-thirds of Republicans, know or at least […]

nice work everyone

How will Nevada Republicans observe January 6 this year?

By: - January 4, 2024

Saturday marks three years since the attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.  One way Nevada Republicans might commemorate the insurrection is by being thankful Sigal Chattah did not win the attorney general’s race in 2022, and the Democrat who did has finally filed criminal charges against Nevada’s fake electors.  Because not only […]

Lawmakers gear up for busy legislative sessions in 2024. Except in Nevada.

By: - January 3, 2024

Artificial intelligence, abortion rights, workforce shortages in health, education, and corrections, health care costs, climate impacts and energy policy, digital privacy, mental health services, gun laws, gender expression, criminal justice, confronting the impact of expired pandemic-era safety nets, taxing and spending – those are only some of the issues state legislatures across the nation will […]