
optimisticbut also wary maybe

Sisolak’s reviews: Lots of raves, but some wariness too

BY: , and - January 16, 2019

Enjoying the luxury of inheriting what is projected to be a growing state budget, Gov. Steve Sisolak in his State of the State speech Wednesday proposed more money for K-12 and higher education, expanded and new health programs, a raise for state employees, and additional funding for a host of public services, from foster child […]

that was then

A mental health initiative, jobs, and some wait and see: Q&A with Steve Sisolak

BY: - January 15, 2019

Gov. Steve Sisolak delivers his first State of the State speech tomorrow night, and as he hints below, he will unveil an initiative to address shortfalls in Nevada’s mental health system. In a wide-ranging interview, Sisolak discussed several other issues — wages and jobs, the dynamic between sexual harassment policy and the Las Vegas brand, […]

dina neal says

Lawmakers see pathway to criminal justice overhaul, but will they take it?

BY: - January 14, 2019

Divisions and theatrics in Washington were briefly surmounted last month when Congress passed criminal justice reform legislation. The First Step Act is a modest, yet important, effort to ease punitive prison sentences and begin to address mass incarceration at the federal level. But the bill only addresses a sliver of the problem. States have a […]

History after all: Nevada to be first state with majority female Legislature

BY: - December 18, 2018

For months, media around the nation and even internationally published stories about the prospect of Nevada becoming the first state in the U.S. to have a majority female Legislature. It didn’t happen in the November election. But after the post-election shuffling, and after appointments were made to fill vacancies of people who were elected to […]

UNLV Medicine

Professors, donors make case for reining in NSHE

BY: - December 12, 2018

The Nevada System of Higher Education only cares about itself — and the University of Nevada, Reno. That was one of the harsh criticisms doled out by scholars and philanthropists last week during a Lincy Institute symposium on reforming higher education in Nevada. Speakers admonished NSHE for excessive administrative bloat and argued the bureaucratic office […]

race to the bottom

Bill would reinstate aviation tax breaks

BY: - December 10, 2018

In 2015, the Nevada Legislature gave sales and use tax abatements to the aviation parts and maintenance industry. “This measure will allow Nevada to be more competitive in aviation transportation and the burgeoning unmanned aerial vehicle industry,” Gov. Brian Sandoval said when he signed the bill. But the legislation was eliminated in 2017 — unintentionally, […]

legi senate side

With Senate vacancies filled, Atkinson announces committee assignments

BY: - December 5, 2018

A day after vacancies were filled giving him a full complement of senators, Senate Majority Leader Kelvin Atkinson announced committee assignments for the upcoming legislative session. Here’s the cut & paste from the announcement: Commerce and Labor: Senators Pat Spearman (Chair), Kelvin Atkinson (Vice Chair), Nicole Cannizzaro, James Ohrenschall, Chris Brooks, Joe Hardy, James Settelmeyer, […]


Clark County Commissioners fill state Senate vacancies

BY: - December 4, 2018

Clark County Commissioners voted Tuesday to fill two vacancies in the state Senate created by the election last month. Assemblyman Chris Brooks, who has served one term in the Nevada Assembly, will be moving to the upper chamber of the Legislature.  Commissioners unanimously voted to appoint Brooks, a Democrat, to fill the Senate seat being […]

rousted in corridor

Realtors oppose tax to fight homelessness

BY: - November 29, 2018

Ahead of the 2019 Nevada Legislative session, the committee of taxation submitted a bill, on behalf of the City of Las Vegas, to increase the real property transfer tax and add a surcharge to sewer services in attempt to fund homeless services and affordable housing. The bill already has opposition from Nevada Realtors. “We support efforts […]

full on legi building

Mini-commentary: A woman-majority Legislature and nice things too?

BY: - November 20, 2018

Democratic Assemblyman Chris Brooks, aka Gov.-elect Steve Sisolak transition leader Michelle White’s spouse, wants the Clark County Commission to appoint him to Commissioner-elect Tick Segerblom’s now-vacant state Senate seat. And then commissioners could appoint a woman to fill Brooks’s seat in the Assembly. And then if commissioners appoint a woman to fill Attorney General-elect Aaron […]

UNR campus

Regents will ask Legislature to reform higher ed salary structure

BY: - November 19, 2018

K-12 teachers aren’t the only ones not satisfied with salaries. Many within the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) are frustrated by its lack of an in-rank salary advancement structure and they want legislators to tackle the issue during the upcoming 2019 session. They argue salary compression — only slight differences between salaries for new […]

state senate sign

Senate Democrats announce committee chairs

BY: - November 16, 2018

Nevada state Senate Democrats Friday announced committee chairs for the 2019 legislative session that starts in February. Here they are (2017 chairs are in parentheses): Commerce and Labor: Pat Spearman (Kelvin Atkinson) Education: Mo Denis (same) Finance: Joyce Woodhouse (same) Government Affairs: David Parks (same) Health and Human Services: Julia Ratti (Spearman) Judiciary: Nicole Cannizzaro […]