
Daily Current: Sex, fireworks, pastry… something for everyone

By: - July 3, 2018 8:19 am

Oh sure, they say they’re not gonna snitch. On the Current this morning, Jeniffer Solis asks folks in a fireworks-happy neighborhood if they’re going use the Clark County’s new anonymous website to report fireworks-happy neighborhoods. Spoiler: “…if you’re serious about the problem you go after the source,” was the best answer.

Sex Workers of the World, Unite. Provided the cops will give you a permit to gather, of course. Also on the Current this morning, April Corbin reports on sex worker activism and free speech in Las Vegas. It’s a good read, it’s educational, and it holds the added distinction of being a story about prostitution in Nevada that makes no mention of Dennis Hof.

Dennis Hof! Dennis Hof! Dennis Hof! This LA Times story, by contrast, does make mention of Dennis Hof, as it turns out 1,963 valid signature-providing residents of Nye County who would like the opportunity to vote on shutting down his brothels in said county could not be found by Monday’s deadline.

Why not? Dean Heller’s campaign and its area media surrogates unloaded on Democratic challenger Jacky Rosen for reportedly dodging when asked if she wanted to abolish ICE. Rich, that, as apart from the magical power of tax cuts to solve every and any conceivable problem, there is no issue in the known cosmos on which Dean Heller is prepared to willingly render a clear, comprehensible and consistent position. In any case, tucked at the very bottom of this Nevada newspaper columnist’s latest routinely non-Nevada column are Heller and Rosen both saying no, they don’t want to abolish ICE.

Tariffs o’ Trump. Wrong for America. Bad for Nevada. Trump’s tariffs will be bad for everyone, everywhere (though the effects may not be felt in time to influence the election), even Nevada, which let’s face it doesn’t export much of anything except a good time to tourists. Oh, and bread. That is the most fascinating part of this story. One of Nevada’s leading export categories, according to a U.S. Chamber of Commerce analysis, is “bread, pastry, cakes and puddings.” The second most fascinating part of this story is that even though $109 million in total exports is a teensy piece of Nevada’s overall economy, teensy stuff is often, well, the bread (and butter) of Republican campaigns. You’d think Senator Dean “Economic Growth!” Heller would be upset about tariffs taking money out of the pockets of hard-working Nevada entrepreneurs. And he would be. Totally. If a Democrat had imperiously imposed them. Alas, they are the Tariffs o’ Trump, and Trump of course can do no wrong.

He can lose. “We now have less than 60,000 more registered Democrats than Republicans. Let me be more clear. If we can get that number below 50,000, I can’t lose.” That was Dean Heller in April. Right now there are 65,694 more registered Democrats than Republicans,  according to a release issued by the Nevada secretary of state’s office Monday.

Good luck

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Hugh Jackson
Hugh Jackson

Hugh Jackson is editor of the Nevada Current.

Nevada Current is part of States Newsroom, the nation’s largest state-focused nonprofit news organization.