
Hugh Jackson

Hugh Jackson

Hugh Jackson is editor of the Nevada Current.

Nevada Current is part of States Newsroom, the nation’s largest state-focused nonprofit news organization.

sounds like a lot

Won’t someone think of Mark Amodei?

By: - November 20, 2022

Now that it is official and Republicans will control the House of Representatives, pretty soon we’ll get to see if Marjorie Taylor Greene crushes the hopes and dreams of Mark Amodei. Given the Georgia congresswoman’s severely Trumpy all-whackadoodle-all-the-time approach to holding elected office, it would not be the least bit surprising if she couldn’t pick […]

Nevada news associations call for ‘transparency and a civil relationship with media’ from elected officials

By: - November 18, 2022

In a joint statement Thursday, The Nevada Press Association, the Nevada Broadcasters Association, the Society of Professional Journalists Las Vegas, and the Nevada Open Government Coalition said the following: With the 2022 campaign cycle coming to an end, the Nevada Press Association, the Society of Professional Journalists Las Vegas, the Nevada Open Government Coalition and […]


The Democrat the election left behind

By: - November 17, 2022

Sure, Catherine Cortez Masto defeated Adam Laxalt. But Steve Sisolak did it first.  For decades Republicans have had a built-in advantage in the race for governor, because in Nevada elections are conducted in the middle of a president’s term, when turnout traditionally has been lower. Sisolak’s defeat of Laxalt in 2018 marked the first time […]


Lombardo shuts out Nevada Current, Las Vegas Sun from first public event since winning

By: - November 14, 2022

In his first public event since being elected governor, Joe Lombardo refused to allow the Nevada Current and the Las Vegas Sun to cover what was billed as a victory speech.  Shutting the Current out of his celebratory event was an extension of the Lombardo team’s practice throughout the campaign – the practice of multiple […]

they're on the map

The likely unremarkable Lombardo administration

By: - November 13, 2022

Robert Redford starred in a movie in the 1970s called The Candidate, in which he portrayed a candidate running on a dumbed down message crafted by his campaign handlers. He ultimately wins, and the movie famously ends with Redford’s character asking his campaign advisor, “What do we do now? It’s easy to imagine Joe Lombardo […]

Nevada’s role in determining control of the U.S. Senate: The scenarios

By: - November 9, 2022

As of mid-day Wednesday, with votes still being counted in Nevada and other states, only one U.S. Senate seat in the country was flipped from one party to the other, when Democrat John Fetterman beat Republican Mahmet Oz in Pennsylvania. That means the Democrats can lose one seat — and only one seat — and […]

Signaling his 2024 presidential bid, Trump promises ‘very big announcement’ Nov. 15

By: - November 8, 2022

After months of flirting with a 2024 presidential bid, Donald Trump at an election eve rally in Ohio said he would be making a “very big announcement” Nov. 15 at his Florida home. The question of whether Trump would make any campaign announcement before or after the 2022 Election has been debated for months amid […]


One doesn’t know what he wants, the other just wants to go home

By: - November 3, 2022

With the campaigns winding down and election day nearly upon us, it seems worth reviewing how and why Joe Lombardo and Adam Laxalt are at the top of the ticket. After all, it’s exceedingly rare in the U.S. for a sitting sheriff to run for governor. And the only Republican in the 21st century to […]


Republican plan to raise Medicare’s eligibility age would be a step in the wrong direction

By: - October 27, 2022

If Nevada Republicans April Becker, Sam Peters and/or Mark Robertson win their races for the U.S. House, they will find that House Republicans have already made a commitment to the following policy: “To address the increased demands on Medicare, the RSC Budget proposes aligning Medicare’s eligibility age with the normal retirement age for Social Security […]


The price of gas doesn’t care who you vote for

By: - October 20, 2022

Voters tell pollsters their top concern is inflation, and the rising cost voters point to most frequently is the price of gas. The price of gas is also the problem elected officials can do least about. Republicans contend Biden Administration policies are to blame for gas prices, because a clean energy agenda has thwarted energy […]


Leftist teachers union? As if.

By: - October 13, 2022

“Radical socialist leftist teachers unions” is a thing Republicans and the right like to say.  Alas, if only t’were true. The Clark County Education Association, the largest teachers union in the state, is just cold refusing to endorse anyone for governor, evidently because Democrat Steve Sisolak didn’t do exactly what he was told. Fortunately for […]


The only bad thing about switching from gas is it isn’t done yet

By: - October 10, 2022

One day in 1991 when I was a reporter in Casper, Wyoming, the Amoco oil refinery shut down. Needless to say Amoco blamed all those darned burdensome federal environmental regulations. Those regulations (under a Republican administration at the time but I digress) must have been incredibly harsh and burdensome indeed: If I recall, a few […]