
Hugh Jackson

Hugh Jackson

Hugh Jackson is editor of the Nevada Current.

Nevada Current is part of States Newsroom, the nation’s largest state-focused nonprofit news organization.


In 2024, NV’s Democratic presidential primary will be 2nd! If there is one.

By: - February 9, 2023

Congratulations to Nevada Democrats, both the socialist ones who officially run the party and the legacy Reid Machine ones who are out to take their party back. In 2024, Nevada’s primary (not a dumb caucus anymore, yay) will be the second – second! – Democratic presidential nomination contest in the nation. It’s not all rainbows […]

DNC affirms Nevada’s 2nd spot on revised presidential primary calendar

By: - February 4, 2023

The Democratic National Committee Saturday formally approved its 2024 presidential primary calendar that puts South Carolina first, and Nevada second. The DNC calendar has Nevada sharing a Feb. 6, 2024 primary date – three days after South Carolina – with New Hampshire. But New Hampshire Republican Gov. Chris Sununu Saturday indicated that his state will […]


The legislature’s 1st job should be stopping a 2nd Tesla giveaway

By: - February 2, 2023

As the Nevada Current reported earlier this week, in a month, on March 2, a state economic development agency is scheduled to vote on giving Tesla new, additional tax breaks. Under Nevada economic development law, the agency may have no choice but to approve the “abatements.” And then a state where education, health, transit and […]


Suspending Nevada’s gas tax for a year might save you an estimated nickel-ninety-eight, tops

By: - January 26, 2023

It was a gimmick when Nevada Democratic Sens. Catherine Cortez Masto and Jacky Rosen signed on to a federal gas tax holiday plan a year ago, it was a gimmick when Joe Biden floated the idea last summer, and the gas tax holiday remains a gimmick now that Joe Lombardo has proposed one. But gas […]


Former cop yells ‘freeze’

By: - January 19, 2023

Your governor issued a couple executive orders last week of the anti-regulatory variety. One of the orders calls for somebody to explain why all occupational license requirements even have the right to exist, while putting a moratorium on any new licensing regulations. Occupational licenses can sometimes be goofy, and not just in Nevada. Sometimes they […]


Lombardo campaigned on no more shutdowns. He better tell that to House Republicans.

By: - January 12, 2023

Congress kept Nevada – and its state budget – afloat during Steve Sisolak’s administration. It may sink Nevada during Joe Lombardo’s. Long story short: If House Republicans refuse to approve legislation allowing the U.S. government to pay its bills, the economy could crash and burn. Long story longer: During his unconditional surrender to his party’s […]


Lombardo says NV is ‘needlessly’ polarized. Hmm, how’d that happen?

By: - January 5, 2023

For decades, it’s been commonly observed that Nevada tends to rank at the bottom of good lists and the top of bad lists.  That’s probably not what Gov. Joe Lombardo means when he says “the Nevada Way.” In case you missed it, in an inaugural address Tuesday Lombardo said the phrase “the Nevada Way” multiple […]

J6 report confirms Trump world coordination, state lawlessness of NV fake electors

By: - December 22, 2022

Nevada Republicans who submitted a fake slate of presidential electors to Congress after the 2020 presidential campaign were choreographed by members of Trump’s legal and campaign teams, according to information released by the House panel investigation of the Jan. 6, 2021 insurrection. Emails, texts, and other communications obtained by the committee also show that Nevada’s […]


Democrats had their chance and they took a pass. Now what?

By: - December 15, 2022

The only time a Democrat was elected governor of Nevada in this century was when Donald Trump was president. Maybe Nevada Democrats will get lucky, and the next time the governor’s race is on the ballot, in 2026, Trump will be president again. In the meantime, several reforms and proposals that failed to get enacted […]


Fiore & Nye: A match made in, well, Nye

By: - December 12, 2022

Nevada Republican National Committeewoman, erstwhile Las Vegas City councilwoman, gubernatorial campaign deserter, defeated state treasurer candidate, perpetual target of investigations, Trump-worshiping 2020 election denier, Marjorie Taylor Greene wannabe, and all around multipurpose vulgarian Michele Fiore has reportedly moved to Nye County and applied to fill a vacant job as a justice of the peace in […]


Nevada’s state budget is flush. Hmm, how’d that happen?

By: - December 8, 2022

When Joe Lombardo is inaugurated as governor next year, he’ll enjoy perhaps the rosiest budget scenario ever inherited by a new Nevada governor.  At $11.4 billion, state government revenue over the two-year budget period that begins in July 2023 is officially projected to be more than $2 billion larger than the budget approved for the […]


A case for Nevada being the first presidential primary state

By: - December 1, 2022

Of the states vying to be the first to hold a Democratic presidential primary in 2024, “no other state meets every key aspect of the DNC’s own criteria for the early window of diversity, competitiveness, and accessibility except Nevada,” according to long-time aide to Harry Reid and de facto executrix of Nevada Democrats, Rebecca Lambe. […]