
Rosen ad: “Trump manda y Heller obedece”

By: - August 1, 2018 1:09 pm
Political ad

Sen. Dean Heller and President Donald Trump in a Rep. Jacky Rosen ad.

Political ad
Sen. Dean Heller and President Donald Trump in a Rep. Jacky Rosen ad.

Democratic Rep. Jacky Rosen continues to court Latino voters with the launch of her third Spanish-language television ad this cycle, which starts airing today on Telemundo and Univision in Las Vegas and Reno.

The 30-second television ad titled “Compas”— meaning buddies in Spanish — attempts to highlight the political alliance between President Donald Trump and Rosen’s opponent, Sen. Dean Heller, arguing that “Trump orders and Heller obeys.”

As an example of Trump and Heller’s alliance, the ad notes how Heller voted to confirm every Cabinet member Trump has appointed, including Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, who was responsible for enforcing the “zero-tolerance” policy that resulted in the separation of families crossing the border. The ad also mentions Heller’s support for building a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Republican’s have banked on taking a hardline anti-immigrant approach in the current election cycle, but a recent poll suggested that voters largely support legislation that welcomes immigrants.

Rosen recently came under scrutiny for being one of only 18 Democrats who supported the Republican House resolution denouncing calls for abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the department directly responsible for the “separation of children from their parents” that her ad condemns.

English translation:

“Dean Heller and Donald Trump… compas. Heller voted for every Cabinet member Trump has appointed – including the one who enforced the separation of children from their parents. Heller gave in to Trump and voted to take away health care for millions. And while Mexico denies Trump’s wall, Heller says we will pay for it.  Trump orders and Heller obeys. They’re ‘compas.’ The only question is, what will you and your compas do to stop them?”

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Jeniffer Solis
Jeniffer Solis

Jeniffer was born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada where she attended the University of Nevada, Las Vegas before graduating in 2017 with a B.A in Journalism and Media Studies.

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