Politics + Government


Lombardo and his PAC blasted Biden policies. Now they’re trying to take credit for the results.

BY: - November 30, 2023

“Nevada has experienced 10 straight months of employment growth under Governor Joe Lombardo’s leadership,” the Lombardo-adjacent Better Nevada PAC tweeted this week. That’s one way to look at it. Here’s another: Nevada has experienced 34 straight months of employment growth under President Joe Biden’s leadership. According to monthly state employment statistics through October 2023, seasonally […]

LV resort industry asks judge to throw out PUC order granting NV Energy statewide rate

BY: - November 28, 2023

An order from the Nevada Public Utilities Commission requiring Southern Nevada residents and businesses to subsidize $19.6 million in electricity charges for their Northern Nevada counterparts violates the PUC’s statutory mandate to “provide customers with just and reasonable rates” according to a petition for judicial review filed in Clark County District Court.  The PUC approved […]

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Trump moves – again – to repeal Obamacare. Democrats – again – pounce.

BY: - November 28, 2023

In 2012, then-Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval announced that Nevada would expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. He was the first Republican governor in the nation to do so. Five years later, in June 2017, then-U.S. Sen. Dean Heller appeared with Sandoval at a press conference to say he could not support Pres. Donald Trump’s […]

How U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson helped derail a fight against election lies

BY: - November 21, 2023

Back in July, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas testified before the U.S. House Judiciary Committee. A federal court had recently granted a temporary injunction, in Missouri v. Biden, finding that the Biden administration had violated the First Amendment by coercing social media companies to remove content, related both to elections and the COVID-19 vaccine, that […]

U.S. Supreme Court unveils new ethics code, but critics say it doesn’t go far enough

BY: - November 13, 2023

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Supreme Court released a new ethics code Monday, just days before the Democrat-led U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary again attempts to subpoena two high-profile GOP donors following revelations that justices accepted undisclosed luxury trips and engaged in other potential conflicts of interest. Despite the headlines and the committee’s springtime request […]

Democrats’ struggle to keep U.S. Senate majority complicated by Manchin decision 

BY: , and - November 9, 2023

WASHINGTON — U.S. Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin III announced Thursday he does not plan to run for reelection come 2024, giving Republicans an opportunity to pick up a seat and increasing their chances of flipping Senate control. A centrist who has long frustrated his party’s leadership and outside advocacy groups with his views on fossil […]

Industry group joins governor in dissing state public option, physicians’ group pushes back

BY: - November 7, 2023

In an ongoing battle to implement a public health care option in Nevada, an organization allied with the insurance and health care industries released a report Monday arguing the public option would exacerbate the state’s provider shortage and reduce access to care.  An arm of Partnership for America’s Health Care Future (PAHCF), a group that […]

Pence drops out

BY: - October 28, 2023

Republican candidates for president have spent this year ignoring Nevada, the third state on the nominating calendar, but one of them made a splash in the state Saturday. More specifically, Mike Pence grabbed the headlines out of the annual Republican Jewish Coalition Annual Leadership Summit at the Venetian, where Pence announced he was suspending his […]

Maine’s political leaders have a complicated record on gun safety reforms

BY: - October 28, 2023

The mass shooting in Lewiston on Wednesday that claimed the lives of 18 people is drawing attention to Maine’s weak gun laws, with advocates and lawmakers arguing for firearm safety measures to prevent another tragedy. Many of Maine’s political leaders have a complicated history on the issue, though, often opposing large-scale reforms and working with gun […]

Feds say water cuts to 3 states are enough to protect Colorado River – for now

BY: - October 26, 2023

A robust water year for the Colorado River has given states that rely on the mighty waterway a few more years of stability as climate change takes its toll, federal officials said Wednesday. Last year, federal officials gave western states two options to protect the over-allocated Colorado River from the effects of a two-decade megadrought: […]

Handicapping U.S. Rep. Tom Emmer’s chances to become the next speaker

BY: - October 23, 2023

Minnesota U.S. Rep. Tom Emmer of the 6th District is the early favorite to become the speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, according to D.C. insider tip sheet Punchbowl News.  He’s developed relationships with a wide cross section of the GOP conference as the current majority whip — the No. 3 position in the caucus […]

Nevada billionaire megadonor pumps $2 million into Sam Brown super PAC

BY: - October 19, 2023

GOP Senate hopeful Sam Brown has a new financial backer: an Incline Village-based billionaire who has not previously donated large amounts to candidates in Nevada. David Duffield over the past three months donated $2 million to Duty First Nevada, a super PAC supporting Brown, according to campaign finance reports submitted to the Federal Election Commission. […]