
Paul Armentano
Paul Armentano is the Deputy Director of NORML, the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, in Washington, D.C.
Will the DEA finally abandon its ‘flat earth’ cannabis policy?
By: Paul Armentano - February 13, 2024
Hundreds of pages of recently released documents provided by the Department of Health and Services affirm what the overwhelming majority of the public has known for decades: Marijuana is therapeutically useful. And its harms are not on par with those of heroin — which federal regulations currently consider it akin to — or even alcohol. Those were the […]
In the era of legal marijuana, the kids are alright
By: Paul Armentano - March 17, 2023
“What about the children?” This was arguably the most frequently posed question by critics in the years prior to state-level marijuana legalization. Many legalization opponents presumed that legalizing cannabis for adults would lead to an increase in marijuana use among teens. But ten years following the first states’ decisions to legalize, data conclusively shows that […]
It’s time for Biden to keep his promises on marijuana
By: Paul Armentano - August 1, 2022
Politicians are no strangers to making campaign promises. Delivering on those promises? Well, that’s often another story. Such is the case thus far with President Biden’s campaign pledge to reform America’s archaic and unpopular marijuana prohibition laws. “No one should be in jail because of marijuana,” Biden insisted on the campaign trail. “As president, I will decriminalize cannabis […]